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Rubrika: Projects

Projects, Urban games & interventions »

[18 Nov 2017 | 7 komentarai(ų) | ]
Šnipiškės: tools for neighbourhoods regeneration | Šnipiškių kaimynijos gaivinimas

We sum up initiatives, which our team launched in the wooden neighbourhood of Šnipiškės (Vilnius) in collaboration with local residents and invited artists in spring-summer-early autumn 2o13. We are grateful for your support and participation, which inspired us to do a lot of things. As most of community initiative we launch are sustainable, they will be continued in spring/summer 2o14! This of the initiative is a toolbox for a neighbourhood regeneration, and it is based on 6 years experience of working on revitalisation of public spaces.

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Projects »

[27 Aug 2012 | 18 komentarai(ų) | ]
Street Komoda | Gatvės Komoda

Street Komoda was launched in Vilnius in the middle of August 2012. Street Komoda is a place for sharing: you can leave items, which you find on the streets and things you would like to share in Komoda. You can take any item you like from the Komoda. You will find it at Gedimino 9, by the stairs/fountains. We hope you will enjoy the findings and treasures inside the Komoda! :)
This urban furniture was designed as a site-specific object, and it perfectly fits into the urban surrounding, becoming a …

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Projects »

[22 Apr 2012 | 50 komentarai(ų) | ]
Bubble your City | Burbuliatorius

Burbuliatorius (Bubble your city) is an annual and periodic open-source urban event, which takes place in different world cities on the same day, every second Monday, at 18.30 (local time) in summer and September. The aim of the event is to revitalize deactivated public spaces and to encourage citizens to explore the potential of public spaces by developing non-commercial scenarios of their use and sharing the local experience with other cities.

“” group has initiated this event in 2009, and more than 17 Lithuanian cities, as also London, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Birmingham, …

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Projects »

[7 May 2011 | 7 komentarai(ų) | ]
Soundwalk | Miestalofonas

“Soundwalk” (“Citylophone”) is an urban intervention + game, which turns a sidewalk into a music instrument and passers-by into musicians. An instrument consists of several colorful keys on a sidewalk, a group of sound-makers and accidental passers-by, who step on the “keyboard”. Each key is insonified by a sound-maker, who can use music instruments, his or her voice, or any sounding artifact. We have developed this project to initiate a communication in public space between passers-by and street musicians. Our source of inspiration was a performance by Bobby McFerrin.

“Miestalofonas” – …

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Projects »

[22 Jul 2009 | 18 komentarai(ų) | ]
Street Blog | WEB_0 | Gatvės Blogas

• Web 0 is an interactive street element, which could be installed anywhere on the streets, transforming the place into a playground.

• Web 0 yra dar vienas žaidybinis elementas, skatinantis praeivių interakciją. Tai vieta, kur kiekvienas praeivis gali palikti komentarą, piešinuką ir t.t

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Projects »

[22 Jul 2009 | 2 komentarai(ų) | ]
Linking Things | Keliaujantys daikčiukai

ENG: Linking Things is a sub-project, which promotes young designers and their collections. Also it is an urban game, as we ask designers to pass some items from their collections to passers-by as a gift :) This thing becomes a link between two strangers (the creator and the passer-by) and gets it’s own story. The project has been being developed by since april 2oo8.
If you are the author of interesting things, you can take part in the project, sending us a message:

LT: Linking Things, arba “Keliaujantys daikčiukai”, …

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Projects »

[22 Jul 2009 | palik komentarą | ]
Lucky catch | Gatvės laimikis

Since 2oo7 o3 o7 we develop “Street lucky catch” photo project: for us “lucky catch” is people on the streets of Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda (Lithuania) mostly, but we are glad to include from other towns (and other countries) in it.
We see citizens as experts of the city. Unlike most of street fashion blogs, we consider photography as a communication with a passer-by and a way to pay a compliment. We interview passers-by on their lifestyle in a broad sense: we are interested in music they listen, books …

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