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  • Co-urbanism 2020 | Vilnius Urban Lab

    The topic of this Co-urbanism event is “Cooperative Development of Urban Spaces”. We invite to explore how cultural initiatives improve neighbourhoods, how to implement and sustain cooperative initiatives, how to maintain open cultural spaces, and how to manage local resources. This is a great chance to exchange knowledge with practitioners and decision-makers cooperating with urban…

  • Burbuliatorius

    Burbuliatorius (Bubble your city) is the annual and periodic open-source urban event in different world cities on the same day, every second Monday, at 18.30 (local time). It starts in late May and finishes in September. The event aims to revitalize deactivated public spaces and to encourage inhabitants to explore the potential of public spaces…

  • Culturability: Exploring Visaginas City Identity – participatory approach (NCM)

    Project title: Visaginas: Participatory Approaches Toward Developing the Identity of the City Partners: Danish Cultural Institute (Leader), City of Pori, Culturability network, Laboratory for Urban Games and Research Laimikis.lt Every consortium partner explored the local cultural resources and the existing networks of cultural actors in the chosen areas. Based on materials collected during participatory research,…

    Street Mosaic Workshop

    Street Mosaic workshop is one of the participatory art initiatives developed and launched by Laimikis.lt in the wooden neighbourhood of Šnipiškės (Vilnius) in May 2013. It’s an open initiative supported by residents of the neighbourhood, who donate ceramic tiles and participate in creating mosaic artworks. In just a month, two streets of Šnipiškės were touched…

  • Color Splash

    Color Splash is another creative format, that Laimikis developed for participatory revitalisation of public spaces. We see public spaces as places for co-creation. Color splash is a collective art session, during which people of all ages test the technique of abstract expressionists in public space, inventing their manner. Materials: canvas, paints, variety of tools for…

    Urbingo Liverpool

    In many cases cultural heritage becomes a part of public discourse only when it is about to be lost forever due to the urban redevelopment, insensitive to the potential of the historical context. The ‘invisibility’ of tangible heritage in the cities often results from a lack of effective communication of its historical, cultural, architectural values.…

  • Next-stop (Kita Stotelė)

    Format: A series of recorded interviews with passers-by and street musicians, asking to perform the announcement of their favourite public transport. As in Vilnius the announcements of the stops in the public transport starts from the phrase “Next stop”, it became the title of this project. Idea: Public transport stops are an essential part of…

  • Linking things

    Linking Things is a sub-project, which promotes young designers and their collections. Also it is an urban game, as we ask designers to pass some items from their collections to passers-by as a gift :) This thing becomes a link between two strangers (the creator and the passer-by) and gets it’s own story. The project…

  • WEB_0 – Street Blog

    Web_0 is an ironical concept of bringing Internet communication tools into the off-line and initiating communication on the city streets with passers-by on the base of familiar forms, such as blogs, flickr, youtube, made of wood and paper. Being installed in the street, these elements transform the place into a playground and discussion platform. Web_0…

    Urban villages at Bi-city biennale of urbanism / architecture

    Laimikis Lab is taking part in Bi-City Biennale on Urbanism / Architecture in Shenzhen / Hong Kong which opened at the end of December 2017. This time the topic of the Biennale is “Cities Grow in Difference”, and one of the fields is “Urban Villages”. By the invitation of the curatorial team, we presented an…