Come to the Yard (Išeik į kiemą)
What: a series of tours to the yards, guided by the locals Come to the Yard (LT: Pasakojimų-pasivaikščiojimų serija „Išeik į kiemą“). Idea: Shared yards are places of collective memory. Even though we grew up in similar spaces, the stories and things we like about our childhood and adulthood spaces differ. We invite people to…
Zero Hero – card game for circular skills
Title: Zero Hero (educational game for schoolchildren, developing circular skills). Client: Antakalnis City Lab. This organisation promotes zero waste movement to visitors of various ages. Challenge/task: How can circular skills and recycling become entertaining for schoolchildren? A task was to develop a learning format that educators could use with groups of children (7-11 years). Solution: A…
Mystery of the Beast (Kaunas 2022 opening game)
Title: Mystery of the Beast (urban game for the opening of Kaunas 2022) Client: Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022, NGO Location: Kaunas, Lithuania Challenge / Task: As soon as the main event of the European Capital of Culture 2o22 opening ends, Kaunas greets its visitors and inhabitants. How do we connect the opening…
Method Roulette for cultural organisations
Method Roulette is a tool for cultural innovations that enable organisations to find out their hidden resources and to create methods for cultural interventions. It helps to define targets, goals, and resources, matching them with the participatory methods.
Burbuliatorius (Bubble your city) is the annual and periodic open-source urban event in different world cities on the same day, every second Monday, at 18.30 (local time). It starts in late May and finishes in September. The event aims to revitalize deactivated public spaces and to encourage inhabitants to explore the potential of public spaces…
Street Mosaic Workshop
Street Mosaic workshop is one of the participatory art initiatives developed and launched by Laimikis.lt in the wooden neighbourhood of Šnipiškės (Vilnius) in May 2013. It’s an open initiative supported by residents of the neighbourhood, who donate ceramic tiles and participate in creating mosaic artworks. In just a month, two streets of Šnipiškės were touched…
Color Splash
Color Splash is another creative format, that Laimikis developed for participatory revitalisation of public spaces. We see public spaces as places for co-creation. Color splash is a collective art session, during which people of all ages test the technique of abstract expressionists in public space, inventing their manner. Materials: canvas, paints, variety of tools for…
Next-stop (Kita Stotelė)
Format: A series of recorded interviews with passers-by and street musicians, asking to perform the announcement of their favourite public transport. As in Vilnius the announcements of the stops in the public transport starts from the phrase “Next stop”, it became the title of this project. Idea: Public transport stops are an essential part of…
Linking things
Linking Things is a sub-project, which promotes young designers and their collections. Also it is an urban game, as we ask designers to pass some items from their collections to passers-by as a gift :) This thing becomes a link between two strangers (the creator and the passer-by) and gets it’s own story. The project…
WEB_0 – Street Blog
Web_0 is an ironical concept of bringing Internet communication tools into the off-line and initiating communication on the city streets with passers-by on the base of familiar forms, such as blogs, flickr, youtube, made of wood and paper. Being installed in the street, these elements transform the place into a playground and discussion platform. Web_0…