InsideViews – Fieldwork Methods of Social Anthropology (Grundtvig)
Title of the project: InsideViews – Fieldwork Methods of Social Anthropology to Promote Civic, Cultural and Intercultural Education Funded by: Grundtvig; Years: 2o13-2o15 The project gathers professionals of non-formal education, social anthropologists, society museum curators, artists, social workers, and civic and intercultural professionals who are looking for new pedagogical tools aiming at valorising cultural diversity,…
Intercontexts – Civic and Cultural Education in disadvantaged local contexts (Grundtvig)
Title of the project: InterContext – Contributions of Civic and Cultural Education in Disadvantaged Local Contexts; Partners: Zeitpfeil e.V. in cooperation with the experts of the regional Community Management Program (Germany, leader); Metropop! (France); ICE (Portugal), Intergracijas Centrs (Latvia); Urban games and research Lab “Laimikis.lt” (Lithuania). Funded by: Grundtvig; Duration: 2011-2013 About the project The…
Conferences talks and round tables
2o13 June 12: Colloquium Vilnense: Civil Society? Public Spaces of Memory. Presentation: “Building Community Spaces in Šnipiškės neighborhood” (J. Lavrinec). Vilnius, VU, History Faculty. 2o13 May 17-20: Inter-Context meeting in Riga (Latvia) 2o13 Feb 19-22: Paper “Lost, Found and Shared items. Urban Tactics and Users Experience of Public Space” (Jekaterina Lavrinec) at the conference Playgrounds…
Stirling – place identity, routes and communication
Location: Stirling, city centre Challenges presented: Although renewed and with many small businesses, the city centre does not generate user flows. Challenges and potential that Laimikis identified: the main attractions around the city are Stirling Castle and the National Wallace Monument, which regularly attracts buses with tourists. However, after visiting the Castle, the tourists do not…