Conferences talks and round tables

2o13 June 12:
Colloquium Vilnense: Civil Society? Public Spaces of Memory. Presentation: “Building Community Spaces in Šnipiškės neighborhood” (J. Lavrinec). Vilnius, VU, History Faculty.

2o13 May 17-20:
Inter-Context meeting in Riga (Latvia)

2o13 Feb 19-22: Paper “Lost, Found and Shared items. Urban Tactics and Users Experience of Public Space” (Jekaterina Lavrinec) at the conference Playgrounds and Battlefields (Tallinn, Estonia).

2o12 Dec 05
• Public lecture by Jekaterina Lavrinec and Julius Narkūnas “Tactical urbanism: partisan urban planning” at Luni: Free University (Misterija, Totorių str. 18, Vilnius).
• Luni paskaita: “Taktinis urbanizmas: partizaninis miesto planavimas” (Misterija, Totorių 18).

2o12 Oct 4-5: Conference “Post-Urbanity: Reflecting on Cultural and Social Change in Urban Spaces” (Klaipėda University, the Department of Sociology). Paper: “Everyday Interventions in Urban Space: Exploring the concept of “Light Sociality”” (Jekaterina Lavrinec)

2o12 Sept 27-29
• hosts three-days round table “Neighbourhood management: cases, tools and methods” (in the framework of Grundtvig “InterContexts-contributions of civic and cultural education in disadvantaged local contexts“). Place: Vilnius municipality. The event brings together non-governmental organizations from France, Berlin, Portugal, Latvia and Lithuania, which work on civic education projects, revitalization of neighbourhoods and public spaces. Each of participating organizations develops a local project, addressed to a disadvantaged neighbourhood area. Each meeting takes place in the city, where a local project is being developed. The aim of meeting in Vilnius is to learn new tools and methods of working with neighbourhood communities while bringing changes into local neighbourhood practices. Programme.doc
• Vilnius: organizuotas trijų dienų apskritas stalas “Miegamųjų rajonų bendruomenės: bendruomenių vadybos modeliai ir atvejai”. Dalyvavuja bendruomenių vadybos specialistai iš Portugalijos, Vokietijos, Prancūzijos, Latvijos. Susitikimo vieta: Vilniaus savivaldybė.
Mūsų komanda tęsia darbą su medinės Šnipiškių dalies bendruomene. Tikslas – išvystyti vidinės komunikacijos priemones bei organizuoti bendruomenę sutelkiančią žaidimo aikštele. Kviečiame bendradarbiauti (rašykite: /!

2o12 sept 15-16
• Riga: Urban summer Days [Urban Summer Days – 2012 – Programme, pdf].
Presentation: Jekaterina Lavrinec – Street Komoda: Lost, found and shared items.
• Ryga: Urbanistų Dienos [Urban Institute, Riga].