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Pažymėta: garso žemėlapis

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[2 Oct 2019 | vienas komentaras | ]
Visaginas soundscapes map | Prakalbinti miestą: Visagino garsų žemėlapis

Sound map of Visaginas is the result of urban soundscape workshop that has takes place in Visaginas this summer. Jekaterina Lavrinec ( was invited by Oksana Denisenko and her team to co-conduct this activity alongside with the journalists Marielle Vitureau (FR) and Vladimiras Kriučevas (RU). For several days together with a team of young local cultural activitist we have been studying and collecting the sounds and stories of Visaginas, arranging a sound library and a package of ideas for further implementation.
Nuo šiol Visaginą gali ne tik pamatyti, bet ir išgirsti! Visagino garsų žemėlapis ( – kūrybiškas Visagino pažinimo įrankis. Tai pirmasis Visagine ir trečias Lietuvoje bandymas atspindėti vietovės garsovaizdį.

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Lucky Catch, Urban games & interventions »

[13 Aug 2012 | 7 komentarai(ų) | ]
Urban soundscapes: Next stop | Kita stotelė

From the beginning of 2010 we started recording the announcements of bus stops, improvised by the passangers of public transport, whom we meet on Vilnius street. Some of citizens, especially street musicians, were extremely inventive! We called this project “Next stop”. Now we bring together the first part of the collected material. Some of improvisations are performed by street musicians. We are grateful to all participants of this spontaneous project and continue to collect your voices:)
Jau dvejus metus renkame praeivių įgarsintas viešojo transporto stoteles. Ypač džiugina gatvės muzikantų improvizacijos “Kitos stotelės” tema! Pateikiame pirmą dalį surinktos medžiagos :)

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