Pažymėta: garsai
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Sound map of Visaginas is the result of urban soundscape workshop that has takes place in Visaginas this summer. Jekaterina Lavrinec ( was invited by Oksana Denisenko and her team to co-conduct this activity alongside with the journalists Marielle Vitureau (FR) and Vladimiras Kriučevas (RU). For several days together with a team of young local cultural activitist we have been studying and collecting the sounds and stories of Visaginas, arranging a sound library and a package of ideas for further implementation.
Nuo šiol Visaginą gali ne tik pamatyti, bet ir išgirsti! Visagino garsų žemėlapis ( – kūrybiškas Visagino pažinimo įrankis. Tai pirmasis Visagine ir trečias Lietuvoje bandymas atspindėti vietovės garsovaizdį.