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Co-urbanism lecture. Bottom-up urbanism: housing, social economy and public space | Co-urbanism 2015: paskaita apie dalyvaujamąjį miesto erdvių vystymą

4 June 2015 6 komentarai(-ų)

Autorius: Laimikis.lt

We are happy to present our guest lecturer, Carles Baiges Camprubí​, an architect and urban sociologist, a member of the architects’ cooperative LaCol (Barcelona) and the housing cooperative La Borda. His lecture “Bottom-up urbanism: housing, social economy and public space” is a part of the program of three-days event “Co-urbanism: points of cooperation in the city” (National Art Gallery, 2o15 o6 o6, 16.3o). In the post below we publish a video of his public talk and a list of the initiatives [in English], which Carles Baiges reviewed in his lecture in the framework of “Co-urbanism” events.

Skaidrės | Pdf-presentation
Video: Bottom-up urbanism: housing, social economy and public space (Barcelona case)

Co-urbanism: bendradarbiavimo jungtys mieste” programos dalis – kviestinio lektoriaus, architekto ir miesto sociologo Carles Baiges Camprubí​ paskaita “Bottom-up urbanism: housing, social economy and public space” (Nacionalinė dailės galerija, 2o15 o6 o6, 16.3o). Žemiau skelbiame seriją projektų, su kuriais dirba mūsų lektorius. Per pateiktus pavyzdžius ėmė kristalizuotis mums artima naujos vizualinės-erdvinės kalbos, suprantamos miestiečiams (miesto erdvių naudotojams) tema. Kadangi miestiečiai nėra treniruojami skaityti profesionalų vizualizacijas, pastarųjų eksponavimas iš tiesų nesuteikia pagrindo produktyvioms diskusijoms. Kokias alternatyvas siūlo LaCol:
• Rekonstruodami industrinio komplekso Can Batlló pagrindinį statinį, jie piešė savanoriams suprantamas erdvines schemas – kurios pasirodė kur kas efektyvesnės už architektūrines vizualizacijas.
• Architektų ir gyventojų susitikimų metu diskusijos yra nupiešiamos ir skelbiamos socialiniuose tinkluose – gyventojai mielai dalinasi piešiniais, kuriuose atpažįsta save, ir prisideda prie kartu su architektais vystomų projektų sklaidos.
• LaCol architektai rengia mastelio suvokimui skirtas dirbtuves: pradžiai jie siūlo dalyviams nupiešti savo namą, ir šie piešiniai tampa atskaitos tašku vystant supratimą apie mastelius.
• Lipnios juostos (tape) naudojimas, vizualizuojant planuojamų objektų realius mastelius – labai efektyvus įrankis, leidžiantis gyventojams susiorientuoti ir diskutuoti sprendimus.
• Modeliai visada leidžia geriau suvokti erdvinious santykius nei piešiniai.
• Įvairūs mastelio pajutimą vystantys kortelių žaidimai.

Presented initiatives | Iniciatyvos, pristatytos paskaitos metu:

El BlocOnze de Can Batlló
Can Batlló, once part of the industrial motor of Barcelona, is today an invisible giant in the middle the city, behind its own walls. Premises waiting for a transformation, object of demands and popular struggle for more than 35 years, and nowadays going through a recovery process, led by citizens themselves since 2011. Since 11 June 2011 it hosts many activities and now, after your years, a new library, a meeting space, a bar, a wood workshop, a climbing wall, artist spaces, an auditorium and other spaces are open to the public. Low cost and reuse of the original materials of the building are the main premises in order to carry out the adaptation of the building. LaCol coordinates the works of restorations which are being carried out by the voluntary work of the neighbors, the everyday users, specially on Saturdays during collective work days and through a team of four professionals who are under a 6 months occupational plan financed by a municipal business.

La Borda is mutual cooperative housing project. The project will be finished in 2017 and it will be build in a public terrain transferred for 75 years to a self-organized group of 30 units gathering more than 60 people. Financed by the same inhabitants, cooperative credit systems and personal bonds. The project will be the first of its kind in Spain, since the dwellers will own the cooperative but not the houses, and it will offer many shared services. http://www.laborda.coop

Coòpolis is an enterprise incubator for companies from the social economy. Leaded by the cooperatives LaCol and La Ciutat Invisible and funded by the Municipality of Barcelona.

Pla Buits (empty spaces plan) is an initiative launched in 2013 by the Municipality of Barcelona which aims to provide vacant lots to neighborhood associations and resulted in the emergence of a number of new urban gardening initiatives and other self-managed projects.

Lecturer’s bio:
Carles Baiges Camprubí​ is member of the architects cooperative LaCol and the housing cooperative La Borda. Expert in citizen participation, tactical urbanism, social urban movements, housing and social economy. Since 2008 until 2014 he taught in the Barcelona Architecture School a course about the relation of architecture and politics. His master thesis in Urban Sociology, focusing on the “Social innovation in the community management of urban voids in Catalonia”, was awarded with a research grant from the Fundació Pi i Sunyer dedicated to study local governments.

LaCol is a cooperative of 14 architects working in a horizontal way, based in the neighborhood of Sants, Barcelona. From shared ethics, they understand architecture as a way to transform society and their close environment, in a critical manner, to change it by proposing new solutions in a positive way. LaCol believes in the transformation of the city through the active participation of its inhabitants and they promote common actions in order to develop communal city transformations. The political, collective and voluntary actions are coordinated through the cooperation and co-working networks between individuals, collectives, associations and platforms that share their concerns and needs and define new projects for the city by analyzing, discussing and learning together.

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