FotoJam: Mados Infekcija 2010 [part 2]
28 March 2010
10 komentarai(-ų)
Autorius: Julius Narkūnas
Fashion Infection” (Mados Infekcija) is an annual fashion festival in Lithuania, which celebrates its 10 years annivarsary this year. This time it took place at National Art Gallery.
Jūsų dėmesiui kadrai iš trečios Mados Infekcijos dienos podiumo [pirmoji dalis]. Kaip ir kasmet, net “Mados Infekcijos” personalas ir savanoriai būna aprengti “dizaineriška” uniforma:
Giedriaus Šarkausko modeliai su katiliukais į salę inešė sumaišties. Jo kolekcija “Chaplin” pradėjo trečią festivalio dieną:
Ieva Ševiakovaitė ir Jolanta Rimkutė pristatė naują Lietuvos tapatybės kolekciją. Mums ji pasirodė laimikiškiausia. :)
Man dar patiko Ramūnės Strazdaitės “Moters portretas” –
pati kolekcija ir užburiantis pristatymo tempas žadina fantaziją,
įspūdis kaip po gero spektaklio, tačiau kolekcija nėra šalta: Strazdaitės pasiūlyti įvaizdžiai leidžiasi prijaukinami. Atrodo, mados dizainerio užduotis ir yra siūlyti naujus (arba senai pamirštus) įvaizdžius, subtiliai išplėčiančius mūsų vaizduotę ir savęs suvokimo ribas.
Tai retas balansas: dažniausiai dizaineriai arba užsižaidžia ir paverčia kolekcijos pristatymą fantasmagorija – arba iš karto siūlo prekes.
“LT-identity” kolekcija kaip tik labai praktiška ir skatina norą įsigyti konkrečius daiktus. Kelis kartus įrašus peržiūrėjau: vis dėlto buvo parinkta netinkama muzika, įspūdis, kad patekai į parduotuvę. Bet šios parduotuvės siūlomas asortimentas džiugina, o ir vyrams skirti modeliai sėkmingi!
Juliau, jei ką, pirmoje nuotraukoje yra berniukas savanoris Paulius, mes kartu dirbome tam pačiam poste, bet turbūt kaip tik buvau išlėkusi žiūrėti kolekcijų.; }
kaip smagu, kad jūs patekot į savanorius:) ..manau teks man bandyti laimę dar kitais metais kol pateksiu:)
na o man labiausiai patiko g. šarkausko, g. paulausko(kaip visada) ir LT identity kolekcijos:))
super, ypač antroji kolekcija sužavėjo (((:
o gal isduosit paslapti ar yra kokie ipatingi reikalavimai norint tapti savanoriu? patirtis mados ,grozio srityje,renginiu oragnizavimo ar panasiai?
Na aš asmeniškai ten pati jauniausia buvau, aš vis dar tik tai mokykloj mokausi, o visi savanoriai buvo studentai arba baigę, tai man atrodo esmė jau būti baigusiam mokyklą ( tiesiog aš turėjau didelę patirtį organizavime) o taip tai ką žinau svarbu turėti patirtį, čia yra pats svarbiausias dalykas, labai žiūri kaip tu formuluoji savo CV, kaip rašai, bando įsivaizduoti koks tu esi žmogus, kaip elgtumeisi kiekvienoje situacijoje, gal net labiau žvelgiama į žmogaus psichologiją, nes iš tiesų daug kas atkrito vien būdami ten, nes atlaikė krūvio.: )
taip pat labai svarbu būti objektyviam ir greit veikti, kartais atsitinka tokių dalykų, kad tenka greitai reaguoti. Aš gavau išvis darbą už spaudos atstovą, nes jam reikėjo išvažiuot, o ten tai shizza buvo, bet išsisukau.
Žodžiu, ten yra tikras darbas ir reikia suvokti ką tu ten darai, o ne šiaip savanoriu pabūt.
neatlaikė krūvio *
Giedre, tu sauni! As kaip tik organizuoju maza festa savo bendrakursiams ir man labai pagelbetu tokia puiki, turinti daug patirties moksleive. Atlygio jokio kaip ir nebutu, aisku puiki nuotaika, tobulas draugu ratas ir pazintys, bet tai – juk ne materialu:) jei sudomino kreipkis el.pastu paderinsim reikaliuka ;)
Simonai, numeskit man savo emailą, parašysiu.: >
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Burbuliatorius flickr group
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Co-Urbanism: Citizen Participation
Co-urbanism: bendradarbiavimo jungtys mieste - serija kasmetinių renginių, skirta sąveikų tarp skirtingų interesų grupių ir institucijų paieškai, siekiant kartu vystyti bendruomeniškas miesto erdves. Rengiama nuo 2o14 kartu su Minsko urbanistine laboratorija. Kuratorė Lietuvoje: dr. Jekaterina Lavrinec.
Laimikis Networks
• Starting from 2o16: Culturability (Culture + Sustainability), platforms that brings together culture actors from the Baltic Sea Region. Ongoing.
• Starting from 2o14: the Baltic House platform, hosted by Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury w Gdańsku / The Baltic House Lab (Gdansk, Poland).
Our Partners / Clients / Services
• Kaunas 2022, ECoC: Kaunas Beast game (opening and following events);
• Kaunas 2022, ECoC: community programme workshops for the communities leaders from Kaunas and Kaunas region neighbourhoods (2019-2020);
• Goethe-Institut Litauen: workshops in mapping the cultural potential at Šalčininkai, Jašiūnai, Tauragė, Marijampolė (2019-2021);
• Engage Liverpool: Urbingo game for Liverpool (2018);
• Cartierul Creativ Carolina: Urbingo Centenar game for Alba Iulia (2017);
• Stirling municipality: Web0 communication platform for Stirling and navigation for the city center at “Urban Ideas Bakery” (2010);
ECF Research & Development Grant
Interreg: Baltic Sea Region / Nordic Council of Ministers
• 2019 Jan – 2021 Dec: Urban Cultural Planning (Cultural Planning as a method for urban social innovation). As asociate partners, we cooperate with Vilnius TECH, Faculty of Creative Industries and contribute to the development of the urban games and routes that focuse on the green potential of the courtyards in the post-soviet districts. Also, we start developing methodology for non-formal education in cultural planning.
• 2017 Sept – 2018 Aug: BSR Cultural Planning: “Cultural Planning as a BSR Tool for co-creating collaboration and innovation among citizens and between citizens and authorities, on inclusive sustainable development of city space” (Seed Project). Laimikis conducts participatory research at Visaginas on maping local cultural potential and builds the interconnections between the cultural organizations in Visaginas and with the cultural organisations in BSR.
• 2018 – Nordic Council of Ministers has enabled us to develop a design-based tool for participatory urban research and cooperative development of the visual identity of the place, based on studies of Visaginas. As a set of methods it can be universally applied for studying the visual identity of the places.
Grundtvig / Erasmus+ partnership projects:
• 2o13-2o15: "Inside Views - Fieldwork Methods of Social Anthropology to Promote Civic, Cultural and Intercultural Education". A training session for cultural adn social actors was arranged in Castelo de Vide.
• 2o11-2o13: "InterContexts - Contributions of Civic and Cultural Education in Disadvantaged Local Contexts". Local project: developed a set of communication tools designed for the strengthening of participation in the neighbourhoods [see here]. A short guidebook "Community and neighbourhood development: Informal Communication tools and cases" is published in collaboration with the partners. Recognized as a star project [European shared treasure].
Baltic Audience Links
Gatvės Laimikis | Vilnius street people
Portraits and talks with passers-by (since 2oo7)
Praeiviai: pokalbiai ir portretai (nuo 2oo7).
Follow the white rabbit:
Events [lt/eng]
• 2o18, March 22-24, Espoo/Helsinki: Nordic Urban Laboratory. Jekaterina runs a workshop in urban games.
• 2o18, Feb 15 - Riga, Culturability meeting on Cultural Planning (Poland-Germany-Denmark-Finland-Lithuania-Latvia-Norway).
• 2o18, Jan 28 - Feb 3 - London, Manchester, Belfast: UK study tour "Arts and social inclusion", British Council.
• 2o17, Dec - Jekaterina Lavrinec is awarded with Vilnius Bee sign for the works for Vilnius and its communities. Public award.
• 2o17, Dec 8-17 - Shenzhen (China), Bi-city Biennale for Urbanism and Architecture. presents an exhebition "Urban patchwork", devoted to the wooden Šnipiškės.
• 2o17, Dec - Riga, Culturability meeting on Cultural Planning (Poland-Germany-Denmark-Finland-Lithuania-Latvia-Norway)
• 2o17, Sept 17 - School of Citizen Artist at Šančiai Library, Kaunas;
• 2o17, July 5 - 13 / August 29 - Septmeber 2: Urbingo game for Liverpool. Hosted by Engage Liverpool;
• 2o17, June : Culturability: cultural planning & games seminar;
• 2o17, June 8-9: Reaktor: cultural planning workshop, Visaginas;
• 2o17, May 25-28: TEH83: Sharing Communities, ROJC, Pula, Croatia;
• 2o17, May 20-21: Coordinate System, the Urban Art Platform of Eastern Europe, Forum, Berlin;
• 2o17, May 17-20: Baltic Audience Links - "Urban Participation" Seminar & Workshop, hosted by the Baltic Sea Cultural Center, Gdansk;
• 2o17, April 7-8: Co-urbanism, hosted by, Vilnius;
• 2o17, March 8-11: CitizensLab meeting in Brussels;
• 2o17, March 1-3: Culturability working group on Cultural planning at Pori, Finland.
• 2o17, Feb 21-23: Conference Audience Links Xchange. J. Lavrinec as a key speaker: presenting the research on Baltic Audience Links. The moderator of the Baltic NGOs session.
• 2o17, Jan 17-22: Urbingo workshop for Cartierul Creativ Carolina, Alba Iulia, Romania (CitizensLab).
• 2o16, Oct 26: Forum "Culture and Sustainable Development", paper: Creativity and social innovation for community development (Jekaterina Lavrinec).
• 2o16, Sept 24-27: Spatial Development Forum, Xtreme Urbanism. St. Petersburg, Russia. Crash-course in DIY urban culture and pannel for the Baltic DIY culture, dr. J. Lavrinec ( as one of key-speakers.
• 2o16, June 23-26: Citizens Lab: 12 European cities, 36 neighbourhoods. MitOst e.V., Berlin.
• 2o16, June 16-17: Policy Area Culture, Warsaw
• 2o16, June 10-11: Baltic Sea NGO Forum, Gdansk. Key speaker for the topic "Meaning of the culture for the cooperative urban development".
• 2o16, May 27-30: City Makers Summit, Amsterdam. is a City Embassy for Vilnius:)
• 2o16, April: Culturability meeting, hosted by Ars Baltica, Rendsburg.
• 2o16, March 30: "Vietos kultūra". Pranešimas: Bendruomeninės kūrybinės iniciatyvos kaip vietovės gaivinimo įrankis. Utena.
• 2o16, March 18: UNESCO: Kultūrų raiškos įvairovė – darnesnės visuomenės link | Diversity of Cultural Expressions, speaker. Vilnius.Convention | Press.
• 2o16, Feb 4-5: City Makers Pre-summit, at De Zwijger, Amsterdam: video. • 2o15, Sept: Interdisciplinary exhibition "City close to the water". Object "Komoda nr 3". The Baltic House Lab exhibition. Gdansk, Poland.
• 2o14, Nov 23-25: the Baltic networks meeting: the Baltic House program. Gdansk, Poland.
• 2o14, Nov 7-8: InsideViews meeting (Life Long Learning Programme) in Liege, Belgium.
• 2o14, Nov 2-3: Caucasus Cultural Initiatives Network's event and conference "Community Art as an Impulse for Intercultural Dialog", Speaker. Tbilisi, Georgia.
• 2o14, Oct 28-29: Baltic urbanists network meeting at Riga (@Goethe-Institut Riga & Urban Institute Riga). Participantion in the round table.
• 2o14, Oct 27: Public discussion "Vilnius: a Public Space?" with the architect R. Palekas, urban anthropologist J. Lavrinec, and Vilnius mayor A. Zuokas at "Inconvenient Films Festival" (Nepatogus kinas), Vilnius.
• 2o14, Oct 23-25: Idea Camp 2014, European Cultural Foundation, Marseille.
• 2o14, Sept 10-15: Contemporary art festival "Survival Kit", Riga. Urban furniture workshop by Jekaterina Lavrinec at Liksnas 26, symposium "Urban Utopia: Art and Culture as a Tool for Exploring and Researching a City" (Latvian Center for Contemporary Art | Urban Institute, Riga) & round table on the Otherness (Fargfabriken).
• 2o14, July 25-27: Summer school "Creative and social practices in public space", St.Petersburg. Tutorship.
• 2o14, June 20-21: Hosting an international Grundtvig partnership seminar-workshop "Participatory and Arts-based Research Approaches: the engaging tactics of collecting and communicating ethnographic data", Vilnius.
• 2o14, June 13-20: Public lecture & training session for the participants of the Kaukas summer school "Reanimation of public space", Kaunas.
• 2o14, April 17-18: A training session and consultancy for regional active citizens groups, NVO's, municipality and elderate workers "Regeneration of public spaces: urban design principles and cases", Utena district. LT: Viešųjų erdvių tvarkymo planavimas: dizaino principų taikymas ir geroji patirtis, Utenos raj., Utenos regiono vietos veiklos grupė.
• 2o14, Feb 21-March 8: takes part in running a winter school in Critical Mapping, curating workshops, which focuses on the wooden Šnipiškės.
• 2o14, Jan 28-Feb 2: Visiting InsideViews partners in Paris. Host:
• 2o13 Nov 24-28: Visit to Fargfabriken, Stockholm. The Baltic meeting on art tactics, promoting citizen participation.
• 2o13 Nov 7-8: Presenters at "Social Entrepreneurship for Liveable Cities" Forum, Riga, Latvia
• Starting from Oct 27: Street blogging session by and in Coffee Inn at Pilies str., Vilnius
• 2o13 Oct 26: "Contemporary Diaries": presentations on Street Blog and Cabinets of Curiosities (Cinema Book workshop)
• 2o13 Oct 2-4: Strategies of preserving the old and creating the new in the urban spaces: Cases of the Baltic region Countries (New Urban Topologies, the Center of Contemporary Art and Urbanism Fargfabriken & TOK), Saint Petersburg, Russia
• 2o13 May-October: Street Mosaic workshop, Guided tours, Developing alternative playground, Neighbours' meetings in the wooden neighbourhood of Šnipiškės.
• 2o13 June-August: public debates on the reconstruction of public spaces (Lukiškės sq.) in Vilnius and citizen participation on radio & in press. Micro-protest action.
• 2o13, June 12: Colloquium Vilnense session V: Civil Society? Public Spaces of Memory: presentation "Building Community Spaces in Šnipiškės neighborhood".
• 2o13, May 17-20: Inter-Context meeting in Riga. Laimikis team presented a work in progress in Šnipiškės neighbourhood.
• 2o13, May 3-5: "Išeik į aikštę" (Come to the square!) festival at Cathedral sq., Vilnius.
• 2o13, April 24-28: Laimikis team visits their colleagues in Berlin and explores community gardens initiatives.
• 2o13, Jan 23 - Feb 2: Laimikis team visits their Portuguese colleagues (ICE), who develop a regional project, focused on actualization of historical memory and cultural heritage. Castelo de Vide school, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Ferreira do Alentejo municipality and several museums and galleries around the region are involved.
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Urban ideas:
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