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    Lucky catch

    ENG Since 2oo7 o3 o7 we develop “Street lucky catch” photo project: for us “lucky catch” is people on the streets of Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda (Lithuania) mostly, but we are glad to include from other towns (and other countries) in it. We see citizens as experts of the city. Unlike most of street fashion…

  • Urbingo – urban game

    URBINGO is an urban orientation game and alternative guide to the changing neighbourhoods. It consists of: • illustrated map • visual cards with the neighbourhood’s elements • text cards with the historical facts and notes. This game was developed as a matrix for collecting and arranging neighbourhood stories and changing material culture, turning it into…

    Visual Identity Grid for Place Branding

    Visual Identity Grid is a format developed by the Laimikis.lt team for converting the materials and findings accumulated during the research of the identity of place (genius loci) to visual communication. We developed and tested it while exploring Visaginas’ visual identity in 2017. Our methodology for developing a visual identity set for the place includes lots…

  • Module urban furniture, creative playground and placemaking in Šnipiškės

    Placemaking toolbox for neighbourhoods

    A set of tools and methods for inclusive neighbourhood regeneration was developed for the historical Šnipiškės neighbourhood (Vilnius) and launched in cooperation with its residents in 2o12-2o15. However, we have found that it can be adapted to various urban and rural contexts. This set of tools and methods aims to develop and strengthen the local…