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    Papilė – place identity, games and communication

    Location: Papilė (Akmenė region, Šiauliai country). Challenges presented: Although with a rich cultural and geological background, Papilė loses the contest for the visitors to the bigger cities in the region. Local businesses would like to form a flow of visitors staying for at least one full or few days. Papilė needs to develop and promote its…

  • Zero Hero – card game for circular skills

    Title: Zero Hero (educational game for schoolchildren, developing circular skills). Client: Antakalnis City Lab. This organisation promotes zero waste movement involving various age groups. Challenge/task: How can circular skills and recycling become entertaining for schoolchildren? A task was to develop a learning format that educators could use with groups of children (7-11 years). Solution: A set…

  • River-oriented education in waterfront communities (Erasmus+)

    I_Improve (Innovative, Informal Methodologies for Practical, River-Oriented and Versatile Education) is a cooperative European project co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.