InsideViews – Fieldwork Methods of Social Anthropology (Grundtvig)
Title of the project: InsideViews – Fieldwork Methods of Social Anthropology to Promote Civic, Cultural and Intercultural Education
Funded by: Grundtvig;
Years: 2o13-2o15
The project gathers professionals of non-formal education, social anthropologists, society museum curators, artists, social workers, and civic and intercultural professionals who are looking for new pedagogical tools aiming at valorising cultural diversity, including diversity of heritage and cultural expression in order to answer to the needs of multicultural contexts and foster inclusion. The project aims to strengthen links between social, cultural, and educational institutions and to promote respect of the cultural diversity by valorising the heritage in its own diversity on local, regional and national levels.
• FRANCE: Ethnologues en Herbe
• BELGIUM: Musées et Société en Wallonie ASBL
• PORTUGAL: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Castelo de Vide
• GERMANY: Zeitpfeil – Studienwerk Berlin/Brandenburg im Politischen Arbeitskreis Schulen e.V.
• LITHUANIA: – an interdisciplinary platform for urban research, non-formal learning and community art.
Tools developed
URBINGO. An urban game and alternative guide to the changing neighbourhoods. It is based on the photo-archive that Laimikis has collected through 2012-2015, on identified elements, crucial for the identity of the historic suburbia, and on the previously developed routes within the neighbourhood.