Color Splash

Color Splash is another creative format, that Laimikis developed for participatory revitalisation of public spaces. We see public spaces as places for co-creation. Color splash is a collective art session, during which people of all ages test the technique of abstract expressionists in public space, inventing their manner.

Materials: canvas, paints, variety of tools for paints.

Source of inspiration and findings: We were inspired by Jackson Pollock while developing this format. During Color Splash sessions in public space we discuss his techniques. After the Color Splash, we ask participants and passers-by to comment on the paintings and creative process. We found, that people enjoy the principles of abstract expressionism a lot. Some learn about it for the first time during our sessions, becoming abstract expressionists themselves :) We are convinced, that most art movements can be understood better by testing the techniques (techniques of action, seeing and thinking). We have found that Color Splash works great as a non-formal education tool. We insist that if you seek to promote the culture, you must make it as accessible as possible – to bring it to the public spaces and neighbourhoods. This approach is typical of most of Laimikis’s works.

Launched: in public spaces and neighbourhoods. For the 1st time tested at Lukiškių square as a part of revitalisation program for this place, also used for revitalisation of the Dragon’s field in Šnipiškės. Used as separate event as an integral part of community’s events.

Results: collective paintings created during Color Splash sessions were exposed in the gallery of Russian cultural center in Vilnius in 2009, inviting the participants as co-authors to the exhibition’s opening.

Documentation: Check flick group “50 grams of Joy“, thanks to LinasEdmundas. Also, thanks to our friends Milvydas, Jonas, and Marius for helping with the transport and arrangements!

Years: 2009, and since then reccuring.
