Our team picked this wooden neighbourhood in 2012 for study and placemaking initiatives as a challenge. We were fascinated by its unique, multilayered history and village-like atmosphere. At the same time, it was a neglected area with a strong negative image supported by mass media and a substantial negative impact on the residents. Together with Šnipiškės inhabitants in 2013-2018, we succeeded in creating cultural routes, revitalising public spaces, changing the negative image of the neighbourhood and helping the local community (or rather, a network of mutual help and trust) to grow. Later, we continued advocating for the unique neighbourhood through cultural actions and non-formal education.
We are proud that during our activities in the neighbourhood, we gained the trust of the inhabitants and made new friends. As a team, we are committed to this district and work for it as a cultural foundation – investing in its cultural revitalisation. Check the timeline of the arts-based research, community co-design, and placemaking program developed and implemented in Šnipiškės by the Lamikis team in cooperation with residents, cultural institutions, and universities.
Šnipiškės on mass media:
• Rajonas. Kontrastingas Šanchajus – with radio host Donatas Šukelis (LRT Opus)
• 700 steps through Vilnius. Šnipiškės – with journalist Oleg Erofeev (Delfi)
• Pasivaikščiojimai Šnipiškėse – with TV host Rytis Zemkauskas (LRT)
Publications on the wooden Šnipiškės:
• J. Lavrinec (2020). Активізація культурної спадщини за допомогою міських ігор. Справа мікрорайону Шніпішкі | Activation of cultural heritage through the city games. Šnipiškės case. // Методичні рекомендації «Культурна спадщина. Збереження та популяризація в умовах об’єднаних територіальних громад (ОТГ)». Запоріжжя, АА Тандем, p. 21-29 / p. 70-78
• J. Lavrinec (2018). “Small Stories of the Urban Villages: The Wooden Šnipiškės Neighbourhood, Vilnius” // World Architecture, Special issue “Lithuanian Architecture: A Rediscovered Modernity”, 2018 – 06 | 336 (pre-print file);
• J. Lavrinec (2017). Archyvas kaip žaidimas: Urbingo medinėse Šnipiškėse // Pažangi architektūros paveldo apsauga: misija (ne)įmanoma? Valstybinė kultūros paveldo komisija. p. 77-84;
• Laimikis Collective (2017). Urban Patchwork // Cities Grow in Difference. Ed. by UABB (Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture). Shenzhen, 2018. Art Catalogue of the Bi-City Biennale;
• J. Lavrinec (2014). “Community Art Initiatives as a Form of Participatory Research: The Case of Street Mosaic Workshop” // Creativity Studies, 2014-7(1): 55-68
• J. Lavrinec (2014). Community art initiatives as a tool for the neighbourhood’s regeneration. Šnipiškės case // Creative Urban Development: Culture, Business, Community. Conference proceedings, Vilnius University. p. 17/18.