Fields of Expertise and Services

Arts-based research

When analyzing the use and potential of urban spaces, we utilize artistic and co-design methods to gain a deeper understanding of the place.

We employ community art processes to discover the potential of the area and to promote the development of trust networks among the users of the space. We encourage local people to try out various usage scenarios and co-design the urban space. We believe that the research process should contribute to the enhancement of the places and to the social environment - this is the primary principle upon which Laimikis activities are founded. That's why our toolbox is growing - we love developing and testing new artistic solutions for the public spaces and neighbourhoods.

We took part in collective exhibitions, biennales and triennales in Berlin, Paris, Gdansk, Shenzhen, Riga, and Vilnius.

Games and routes

We develop and launch games and cultural routes in urban and rural environments.

New routes and connections between places are capable of creating new image of the area. Spatial games are a powerful tool to redefine how people use and perceive places. City games can be a useful tool for directing and organizing large crowds during mega-event. While developing creative solutions, we identify and draw upon the local cultural and natural potencial. We enjoy cooperating with local people and learning from local knowledge!

We have developed cultural routes and urban games for UNESCO sites, and neglected areas, Romania's Centenary, and Kaunas 2022 opening.

Workshops and courses

We have over 20 years of experience in formal and informal education. We run hands-on workshops in participatory planning, co-design, games design, and urban arts. We also guide schools in Urban Studies.

As lecturers and consultants, we navigate the topics of green cities and circular skills, place identity and its creative communication, cultural planning, participatory development, revitalisation of the neighbourhoods and public spaces, and many more. Our audiences are children, youngsters, adults and mixed groups.

We enjoyed running courses and workshops in Alba Iulia, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Belgrade, Berlin, Espoo, Kaunas, London, Lviv, Marseille, Minsk, Pula, Riga, Stirling, St.Petersburg, Šiauliai, Tallinn, Tbilisi, Utena, etc.