Intercontexts – Civic and Cultural Education in disadvantaged local contexts (Grundtvig)

Title of the project: InterContext – Contributions of Civic and Cultural Education in Disadvantaged Local Contexts;

Partners: Zeitpfeil e.V. in cooperation with the experts of the regional Community Management Program (Germany, leader); Metropop! (France); ICE (Portugal), Intergracijas Centrs (Latvia); Urban games and research Lab “” (Lithuania).
Funded by: Grundtvig;
Duration: 2011-2013

About the project

The Grundtvig partnership “InterContext: Contributions of Civic and Cultural Education in Disadvantaged Local Contexts” explored how civic and cultural education can promote social cohesion and local development in disadvantaged local contexts. The partners analysed and compared their working contexts and exchanged experiences and know-how in order to develop approaches to strengthen participation and cooperation and to train key competencies for participation.

At the local level, the partners developed different projects concerning local development and social cohesion based on the needs and particularities of their context and work.


Metropop!  (France) with the aim of ethnological methods and volunteers made a research in Paris on the question of patrimony in “Banlieue”.

Zeitpfeil e.V. (Germany) explored the question of youth participation in Berlin neighbourhoods’ management in a study.

Intergracijas Centrs (Latvia) developed a training module for community managers in Latvia. (Lithuania) developed a set of communication tools (community initiatives) designed for the strengthening of participation in the wooden neighbourhood of Snipiskes (Šnipiškės) in Vinius.

ICE (Portugal), through the project “Windows” explored an educational approach around memory and heritage in the village of Castelo de Vide

Tools developed:

Street mosaic workshop

Guidebook “Community and Neighbourhood Development: Informal Communication Tools and Cases”

Informational boards for Šnipiškės

Whole identity for Šnipiškės

A toolbox for Šnipiškės regeneration