Į pradžią » Urban games & interventions

Workshop: Laser graffiti | Grafičių dirbtuvės: Laser Tag

11 May 2012 8 komentarai(-ų)

Autorius: Laimikis.lt

Reportažas iš grafičių dirbtuvių, kurių metu dalyviai tyrinėjo naująją Laser Tag grafičių techniką: šie piešiniai ir tagai negadina fasadų, tačiau gali . Tikslas: išmokti naudoti šią techniką kaip komunikacinį įrankį, atsižvelgiant į istorinį ir kultūrinį pasirinktų objektų kontekstus. Dirbtuvių organizatorius: LitPro (EHU). Vedėjai: Jekaterina Lavrinec (Laimikis.lt) ir Veronika Urbonaitė-Barkowska.

LitPro workshop “Exploring the Graffiti” took place on 7-11 May 2012, Vilnius. Initiator: Pavel Kirpikau.
Participants: Pavel Kirpikau, Andrei Karpeka, Olga Luchenok, Alina Krushynskaya, Andrei Garan.
Tutors: Jekaterina Lavrinec (Laimikis.lt) & Veronika Urbonaitė-Barkowska

Aim: to explore a new Laser graffiti technology and to arrange a series of interventions in the city.
Target: abandoned places and silent monuments, which get the opportunity to “speak” due to laser graffiti.
Challenge: to create site sensitive messages, which would reflect current status of chosen objects and historical contexts.
Place: quite a big area on the frontier of the Old Town of Vilnius.
Photos by: Andrei Karpeka & Andrei Garan.

Site: Lithuania cinema, Vilnius.
Context: Privatized and closed in 2002. It’s a nostalgic place for several generations of Vilnius citizens and the very first city object, which has brought citizens together for series of protests in 2005.
Status: now it’s a target for many graffitists. One of the graffiti messages (already demolished) was “Lithuania for all” (“Lietuva visiems”).
Message: recreated graffiti “Lithuania for all?” (Lietuva visiems?)

Place: Lithuania cinema, Vilnius.
Context: Privatized and closed in 2002.
Message: Watch Youtube

Place: Lithuania cinema, Vilnius.
Message: Cinema (“Kino” is also a name of legendary Russian music band, active back in 80’s; the fans of the band have been writing the name of it on the walls in every post-Soviet city in 90’s and in the beginning of the 21st century).

Place: Lithuania cinema, Vilnius.
Message: Watch!

Place: Reformatų sq., Vilnius.
Context: Calvinist cemetery in 17-19 cen. A park and square + monument for “Soviet partisans and (sic) the underground” in 1983-1990. Abandoned after the monument was dismantled.

Status: a quiet, shady and mysterious place with the “aztec pyramids”
(which remained after the monument was dismantled), intensive nightlife.
Message: just “Stairs”.

Place: Reformatų sq., Vilnius.
Context: Abandoned “aztec pyramics” – which left after the monument was dismantled.
Message: “aztec pyramids” & “aztec signs”.

Place: Cvirka monument, Vilnus.
Context: Cvirka was a Lithuanian novelist. The monument became the
object of controversy after the restoration of independence in 1990.

Status: silent ghost.
Message: “Tylos” means “Keep silence” in Lithuanian.

The second part of the workshop was an open event of laser graffiti session at “Soulbox”. Every citizen could join and try to leave a LASER tag or a drawing on the walls around the bar.

In a couple of days after the workshop a documentation of the project was placed by the sites, where the interventions took place (thank you, Adrei Karpeka for arranging and documenting it!). Exposing a documentation of night interventions to citizens, who attend these in a daytime, we extend the time of the intervention. And from the perspective of urban activist, it’s a possibility to keep dialogue with passers-by and get a feedback, which is one of the essential part of any action in the city.

Graffiti workshop (Graffiti.lt / Goethe Institut, Vilnius, 2010). Grafičių dirbtuvės Vilniuje.

8 komentarai(ų) | comments »

  • praeivis sako (said):

    outstanding. Watch youtube labai palinksmino :))
    o tęsinys bus? Norėčiau sudalyvauti!

  • Laimikis.lt (author) sako (said):

    Praeivi, LitPro periodiškai organizuoja miesto dirbtuves,
    artimiausios bus rugpjūtį 10-17, aplikuotis galima jau dabar :)
    Tiesa, šį kartą jos skirtos ne graffiti, bet užtat mano grupėje bus daromos intervencijos į viešąsias erdves.

  • monika_s sako (said):

    linksmai miestą nuHACKinote miestą, man atrodo, kad ši graffiti technika turi daug potencialo.

  • Laimikis » Blog Archive » Street Komoda | Gatvės Komoda sako (said):

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    […] Recent urban workshops, run by Laimikis.lt members: • Vilnius: Laser Graffiti: T.A.G., LitPro workshop, 2o12. • Kaliningrad: “Art interventions and citizen participation in […]

  • CTZ sako (said):

    Žiūrėk, Kino ir Watch Youtube – patys geriausi! ) Visiškai sutinku, kad pati “Lietuva” parūpina gerą kontekstą. *Nudžiuginote*

  • Laimikis » Blog Archive » Tactical urbanism and City Hall sq. | Taktinis urbanizmas ir Rotušės aikštė sako (said):

    […] “Going Public” project (Goethe-Institut) / LitPro workshop, 2o12 • Vilnius: Laser Graffiti: T.A.G., LitPro workshop, 2o12. • Tallinn: “Street Messages: Creative communication in Public […]

  • Raštelis | Note: we have moved to Laimikis.lt « Laimikis.lt sako (said):

    […] • meninių intervencijų į viešąsias erdves dokumentaciją; • viešųjų paskaitų ir dirbtuvių medžiagą: apie partizaninį miesto planavimą, meną viešosiose erdvėse ir bendruomeninius meno projektus. […]

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