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Pažymėta: vietodara

Urban games & interventions »

[15 Apr 2013 | 13 komentarai(ų) | ]
Šnipiškiečiai: Visual identity & Kaimynų lenta | Vizualinis identitetas & Neighbours’ info-board (pt. 1)

Seeking to take part in revitalization of Šnipiškės neighbourhood, a wooden district just next to skyscrapers, we apply communication tools and tactics, which we have already developed working with public spaces for last six years. We have started with mapping the potential of the area, including public spaces, meeting points, recreation, infrastructure, local networks. As we identified hot-spots, we arranged communication points: norice boards arenot only as a place for posting announcements, but as pretexts and places for meetings. While arranging “Neighbours Wall”, we were contacted by at least 10 local dwellers, who shared their stories and visions of improvement of the place.
Šnipiškės – unikalus žalias medinis rajonas su turtinga istorija, kuris galėtų tapti vilniečių traukos centru. Siekdami atgaivinti šį rajoną, pritaikome įrankius ir taktikas, kurias naudojame dirbdami su apleistomis viešosiomis erdvėmis, aikštėmis ir skverais. Mūsų pirmas žingsnis – vizualinės rajono taptybės paieškos ir “Kaimynų lentų” įrengimas. Mūsų grupė mato informacinės lentas ne tik ir ne tiek kaip plotą skelbimams, bet kaip susitikimo vietą ir progą aptarti savo gatvės problemas ir galimybes.

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Urban games & interventions »

[2 Nov 2012 | 11 komentarai(ų) | ]
Tactical urbanism and City Hall sq. | Taktinis urbanizmas ir Rotušės aikštė

“Future city” and “Future food” are a series of public lectures and workshops, which bring together researchers from different fields (urban planning and architecture, urban activism and art). Our team was invited to lecture on citizen participation in urban planning and to arrange a workshop on tactical planning.
“Ateities miestas” ir “Ateities maistas” (lapkričio 3 d.!) – serija atvirų paskaitų ir dirbtuvių, kurias organizavo “Mokslas ir menas” Artotekoje. “Ateities miestui” skirtame renginyje Laimikio desantas atstovavo partizaninio miesto planavimo ir taktinio urbanizmo perspektyvai – šioms temoms ir skyrėme paskaitą bei praktinį užsiėmimą. Jūsų dėmesiui – taktiniam urbanizmui skirta prezentacija ir dirbtuvių rezultatai.

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Projects »

[27 Aug 2012 | 18 komentarai(ų) | ]
Street Komoda | Gatvės Komoda

Street Komoda was launched in Vilnius in the middle of August 2012. Street Komoda is a place for sharing: you can leave items, which you find on the streets and things you would like to share in Komoda. You can take any item you like from the Komoda. You will find it at Gedimino 9, by the stairs/fountains. We hope you will enjoy the findings and treasures inside the Komoda! :)
This urban furniture was designed as a site-specific object, and it perfectly fits into the urban surrounding, becoming a …

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Studio, Workshops and conferences »

[4 Oct 2010 | 10 komentarai(ų) | ]
NECE: creativity in the city | NECE: kūrybingumas mieste 2010

We have just come back from Trieste, were a conference “Cities and Urban Spaces: Chances for Cultural and Citizenship Education” took place. Our creative group presented a case of “Bubble the City” project there. Being inspired by the concepts, presented by urban activists and researchers at the conference, we post a short set of concepts here.
Laimikis buvo pakviestas į NECE konferenciją “Cities and Urban Spaces: Chances for Cultural and Citizenship Education”, kurioje pristatėme auditoriją įkvėpuį “Burbuliatoriaus” projektą. Pristatome kelis aktyvistus ir lektorius, su kuriais judame panašia kryptimi, siekdami įžiebti kūrybingumą mūsų miestuose.

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